Friday, June 17, 2011

Christmas Greetings - Your Children Will Have Fun Designing Christmas Cards

Do you want to greet your friends and family with your own Christmas cards? With a little time and patience, you can make your card unique, original, powerful and fun! Together with their children at home and create your own Christmas cards this year. Here are some suggestions you can try:

Choose the color you want to work with and buy the desired list of materials (cardboard is stable and easy to work with). Cut the card in the 10cm to 15cm in the form of a rectangular shape. We will call the "letter size". Fold paper in half so that the card will have a lot of parties. Let your children make a drawing of your favorite Christmas (Santa Claus, snow scene, Rudolph, Christmas tree, etc.) on the main side of the card. Complement the design with lots of shine all the different colors.

Another idea is to ask your children to make a collage. Purchase of three different colors of cards. Take one of them and cut a letter sized sheet. Take another card and cut the list a little less this time. Glue is the first card. Take a third card, cut it smaller than the other, to draw something related to Christmas on it (kids love to draw trees!). Glue the third card to another card. Make several of these, write your Christmas greetings to the back, and put them over the rest of the family. They will be delighted!

option is to cut the cards in various forms. Ribbons are very popular among children. Use different colored cards so you end up with lots of beautiful shapes and variety of work. The adhesive form of a letter-sized card. Write your own special Christmas cards and ... ready to go!

I personally like to use the photo for my Christmas greetings. They are personal, unique and are designed messages. Personalize your card by including photographs. You can use the funny pictures of families, or those more seriously, your pet photos, childhood photos, you can make caricatures from photos ... even a photo of where you live, if the rest of the family was not able to see more ... There are literally hundreds of choices.

and if you really want to add touch to your card, why not include things such as a lottery ticket inside, store vouchers, Christmas tickets, a special song ... Christmas greeting cards do not have to be just about buying and sending cards. Do something different this year, have fun with your children and add a personal touch!


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